Sunday, September 24, 2006


As a mother of an Army Reserves son, this war on terror is one of my greatest challenges at present! If any of you have loved ones in the service, you know what I mean! If they haven't been called to serve yet, you hold your breath waiting for their tour of duty to work its way up "the list". In your heart, you know it's coming, you just don't know when...

Our son has been on "the list" twice now, but praise God, someone took a miraculous eraser and wiped his name off that unseen piece of paper!

When Michael decided to join in January 2005, he came to us at midnight and said he had to go. Said God was calling him and he simply could not sleep until he went. I cried as you would expect if you knew me, then thanked God for the fact that my son was that close to God to know his calling was from Him! He left in February for Fort Jackson, SC.

I want my son right in the center of God's will for his life.....even if the center of His will is in the middle of the war zone! There's no safer place for him to be than in the center of God's will. I would much rather see him go and be obedient to God, than stay and be disobedient to God!

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 NIV
Do we trust God enough with our worries? Yes, I still hold my breath every time he goes to drill, wondering what "news" he will be given each month regarding a call up. Yes, I will probably cry whenever that day comes! But I do know one thing. My peace will come from God and I will entrust my precious boy's life in the hands of the great Care Giver. I will send boxes of cookies and kisses. I will mail cards and razers and deodorant. I will send phone cards and pictures. But most of all, when that day comes, I will pray. And ask for prayer.

Psalm 91. Look it up!
God is in the middle east just as much as He is here in hometown, USA. He will not leave our men and women alone over there! I have heard so many wonderful testimonies of soldiers being saved and baptized in the desert sands...God is moving among our troops in mighty ways. God bless our chaplains, for they have a load to carry. And God bless our Christian men and women in service, for they have a tremendous witness to share.
For those of you who have suffered the loss of a family member to this war, know they did not die in vain. Freedom is a precious gift, not to be taken lightly. It's something fragile we must handle with care. All the men/women who give the greatest sacrifice (in order for me to sit here and write this blog with complete freedom to do so) are held high on my honor list! Know I pray for you every day. God knows your heart. He knows your pain. He knows your needs.
I'd like to hear from you if you are dealing with this war on a personal level. We can pray with you, encourage you, and support you in your journey....

Below is a link to an article I wrote entitled, "Well Done"....I hope you will be blessed by it.
Someone told me once that "nothing will happen to Michael until God is through with Him here on earth." Amen. God is in control.....of that we can rest assured!

See my additional patriotic postings at in the "Under God" section.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray the war will end soon. Hopefully all our troops can take a rest.