Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Can't Keep a Good Man Down!

Life can knock us down and knock the wind right out of our sails! Let me hear from you. How have you responded to unexpected physical setbacks? (Illness, injury, etc) Have you gotten up, dusted off the seat of your pants and moved on? Or are you still wallowing in the mud?
Let me hear your stories and I will choose which ones to place on my comments page.

I am in the midst of getting back in the saddle. I know how hard it can be! I know the uncertainty of it. I also know how good it feels to just make the decision to try again. To not let this thing keep me down. Yes, things have changed. I know that. I now have limits I didn't have before. Working to know the boundaries will be delicate. I'll have to be careful. But at least I'll be DOING. Let me hear from are you overcoming your physical obstacles? How has your faith played a part in it?

Monday, October 29, 2007

How do I...?

Just in the past 24 hours I've had two people ask me how I got through the fear and anxiety over something they are currently experiencing. One was asking about the recent death of her mother. She asked me how I got through the death of mine 11 years ago. I simply said, "I prayed through it. It's hard. You miss her. I still miss my mom." She's buried in our local cemetary and I pass her headstone on my way here and there every day. I can see it from the road.
I am currently in the midst of marrying off two children just six weeks apart. That crazy busy time is something my mother would have had a hay day with! She would be so proud and so so happy for her grandchildren! My daughter will leave a long stemmed rose in the chair next to me (between me and my father) in memory of "B." She would have loved to be part of this happy time for both of my kids.
Events will come up for my friend that will trigger sadness over her loss. But, I told her, don't let the sadness rule you. You will eventually find your joy again and live life to the your mother would want you to! My mother was a Christian woman, as I believe my friend's mother to be. There is peace in knowing they are with the Savior today! They are happy, free of worry and sadness, free of whatever ailed them here in this earthly body of theirs. So pray, friend, pray. The Father waits to comfort you in this time of grief....and He will do just that. I have no doubt...He did it for me for sure. :)
The other person I mentioned is a neighbor (my age) who recently had a heart stent placed and was told she has a 100% block in her abdominal aorta. She has enough circulation going through secondary vessels that they aren't scheduling surgery yet. She is scared, afraid she will die, can't sleep, fears going out alone, etc. She called me last night in tears. I told her when I had bouts of heart issues several years ago (and a DVT with pregnancy) I also went through anxiety/fear. I , too, refused to sleep. I just KNEW if I closed my eyes, I would die in my sleep and I had two children to tend to!
God finally got through to my feeble brain and said, "Give your cares to Me, my child. Let ME take the fear, the worry, the sleepness nights and conform them to My ways." Peace ensued.
I am His. He is mine. My days are His days.....and He will help me with whatever comes my way.
It was a control thing. Something I had to give up. Staying awake somehow made me feel in control of this! Not so. That's what I told my friend. Give it up. Give it to the One who can handle your every need. Rest. Sleep. Peacefully. Knowing He is holding your every day in complete control. She asked me to find her some scriptures to read, so I am. I also told her I'd write a prayer she can say at night to help her relax and fall asleep....she has good doctors in her court, and a great big God coaching them. Rest assured. There's not a better place to be.
I told her that each day will bring increased confidence. I experienced that myself. The longer I went without a visit to the ER for irregular heart rate/rhythms, the more confident I became in going and doing. I remember going through the fear of driving long distances that might get me away from a quick jaunt to the ER if I needed it! There was assurance knowing they were "right there" if I needed them. Medications finally controlled the heart, and I've gone on two 10 day international mission trips to the remote village in a third world country where you aren't certain of the health practices in their small medical facilities. Plus, a week long stay in an isolated Sioux Reservation where white men weren't allowed to visit their new ER/hospital. Treatment for me would have been nearly 2 hours away. Not to say I don't THINK about it because I do! But I don't worry like I used to do. I still pray through those times....
Life situations can cause us to experience great fear/anxiety at times. That's normal. It's how we deal with it that's important. What you may be experiencing is a temporary feeling/response. If you are asking "how will I get through this" maybe you too need to pray through it. Prayer is a powerful thing! God waits. God listens. God knows....and He wants to comfort and ease your struggles.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Chronic Pain

It's been a while since I posted a new entry on this blog, and for good reason! I have had chronic pain in my left arm since elbow tendon surgery in June 06. I was diagnosed with Compression Syndrome, rotator cuff tendonitis (with a possible tear of the biceps tendon), and moderate degeneration of the AC joint in the shoulder.
I spent 8 months in physical therapy, and just recently decided to pursue treatment by a rehabilitation specialist. She is doing more testing this week prior to giving her treatment recommendations. I am still hopeful that this is just a temporary issue, albeit a "long" temporary issue! The elbow is now fine. We just need to fix everything above the elbow...
It gives me a greater sense of compassion for people who suffer in endless and chronic pain for various reasons. Doctoring is time consuming and costly! It can be overwhelming to many, and just doing day to day tasks can be difficult. Treatment and a search for healing can become your whole world if you allow it to.
Many people who suffer chronic pain often question God why He would let them hurt this way. They might pray ceaselessly for healing or an answer. I have other medical issues I deal with on a daily basis, and have sought answers myself. Here's what I came up with:

1. We may need to change the question! Asking "why" may be an endless journey. We may never know the reasons why until the day we see Him face to face and get to see "the big picture!" We're just one tiny piece of the puzzle. Maybe we need to change the "why" question to the following: "How can we use this, Lord? What can I do in this situation that will bring glory to You, and draw others closer to You? What example can I be to others in this situation?" We might be amazed at the answers we'll get to those particular questions!
2. God does hear your prayers. Sometimes He answers them, sometimes it seems He doesn't. When He doesn't seem to hear you, remember that He truly DOES!
Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. (NIV)
He may not answer you right away, or in the way you want Him to. Your "job" is to trust His wisdom and knowledge. Like I said earlier, we can' t see "the big picture." God can. He doesn't do anything without a plan and a purpose with a Kingdom outcome!
3. When I am weak, He is strong! With my current issues, I can't do things as easily as I have in the past. Guess what? That means God gets the glory for whatever I am able to do at present! It's only by His grace and strength that I am still working, and can develop this writing ministry for you. I don't know how much travelling I'll be able to do to go speak at churches or other events, so I leave that up to Him. Whatever doors He wants opened will open in this endeavor. I rely on Him so much! I know I can't do this on my own...
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. (NIV)
4. Jesus knows all about pain. There is nothing about pain He cannot relate to you about! Fact is, He probably knows more about pain and suffering than anyone here on earth. He bore the sins of the world on His back. Your sins. And mine. He suffered horrific pain and death at Calvary. We may not always be healed physically of our ailments, but we can be spiritually healed when we call on His name.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
I don't know the outcome of this left arm. You may not know the outcome of your chronic pain issue. If we let it, we can become very discouraged in our circumstances. I have those days from time to time where I am frustrated with "what is." Then I remember God's promise to never leave me nor forsake me. He knows my every need. And yours! Trust Him with the outcome. Trust Him to meet your needs. Ask Him how to use your situation to let others see Jesus in you. You'll be amazed at what He can do when you ask Him not "why," but "HOW..."

Thursday, January 04, 2007


This segment will focus on loss sustained through auto accidents. Below is my testimony of our particular situation. I pray you find some hope and encouragement here if you have experienced this type of loss. This segment is an excerpt from my book in progress, "Hope from Heaven (When Earth Loses a Child)."
On February 6th, 1983 we were all gathered together at my husband’s parents’ home. All but Charlie and Peggy. They were married six months prior and lived about an hour away in her home town.
I was due any day with my first child and miserably “big.” We were all sitting around after dinner and watching the baby's feet race across my belly. Joy turned into panic in a matter of seconds.
Peggy called in hysterics. We couldn't even understand her at first. Charlie’s car had been hit by a teenage driver who was racing on their country roads. She didn’t know how bad he was, but said to get there quick.
My husband was worried about taking me or leaving me, so his parents and siblings left without him at his request. I urged him to call the ER where Charlie was taken and inquire about his injuries. He did, and the nurse told him by phone that Charlie didn’t make it. He had suffered severe head injuries.
My precious husband simply hung up, looked me square in the eye and said he needed to go. He would take me to my mother’s first. I didn’t know that Charlie died. He didn’t tell me for fear of the trauma triggering labor. He remained very cool and collected for my sake.
After he left me at Mom’s, she called the ER. They too, told her he had died.
It was a long night for everyone. I just kept thinking I needed to be with my husband, who drove that distance knowing his brother had died. I couldn’t be with him and support him in his time of need.
My obstetrician would not allow me to travel to the visitation or funeral because of my progression. I felt so sad about that, but followed his advice.
They buried Charlie on top of a mountain in a beautiful, scenic cemetery in the middle of winter. The trauma triggered a miscarriage for my husband’s sister, whose testimony you will find under “Loss by Miscarriage/Stillbirth.” (In the book.) My husband and her husband literally carried her in a wheelchair up that slick mountain path.
Sudden, traumatic loss is earth shattering in any situation. It takes time to heal. Time to recover. Time to learn how to cope.
Even if the accident victim doesn’t die, they can still grieve over the loss of a limb, mobility, activity, and “normalcy.” Loss isn’t just felt in death. It can be felt in many ways.
Reality is, accidents happen. Death happens. Things change in a moment’s notice. It’s how we learn to cope with them and adjust to them that matters. Will we rely on God’s strength or turn our heads away from Him? Remember the phrase in a song we learned as children. “I am weak, but He is strong.” It’s only through His strength that we survive some of life’s hardest moments.
I went through a lot of fear after this experience. I was scared to drive on two lane country roads. I cried a lot in fear of losing my husband in a car wreck. When my kids started driving, I had a lot of fear they would be killed too.
While the intensity has greatly diminished through the years, I still have that element of fear. I have had to place my loved ones in God’s care and let go of it for my peace of mind. It is much easier when we grasp onto God’s Words and believe in them:
2 Timothy 1:12 “because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.” NIV
We reach a point in life where we need to discern the difference between believing in God, and believing God. Do we trust in His wisdom? Do we believe His Words to be true and never-changing? Do we rest in the knowledge that He will never leave us nor forsake us? It's time to address these questions if you haven't.
Jeus says in the book of John, "In this world you WILL have trouble...but take heart! I have overcome the world."
Difficulties are sure to come. I have experienced them. And will experience more in whatever time I have left on this earth. One thing I am sure of. My God will be there to help me. He's there for you too......

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


My precious pastor always says, "God never wastes a hurt!"
Oh, my friend, this is so true. I am living testimony that God can use an imperfect, lumpy, bumpy person who always complains of a bad hair day! :)

Whatever we experience in life, God can use for His glory. I have been through a LOT in my 45 years...some stuff I will never share verbally for my loved ones' privacy. But God knows. And He had a plan all this time. And now I see the puzzle pieces coming together and how others are "getting the picture" as a result. It's simply amazing to look back and see how God worked right in the midst of it all to bring me to this place, and this very moment in time. Have you ever "been there?"

I'm reminded of this verse so many times...
Philippians 1:6 "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Oh, thank you Father. You are SO very faithful. You have been preparing me for this journey with You in 2006. Use me, teach me, guide me....use these books you are giving me to write. Use them for YOUR glory, not mine. For I am nothing without You, Father.

Take it from me. When things happen in life that hurt, have belief and faith that God can use it for something positive. Something that can help draw others nearer to Him. Something that will bring glory to God!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

In the Valleys

How many times have you been in the valleys of life?
What exactly are those valleys? My definition of a valley is:
A low point in which you may wonder where God is, does He exist, why isn't He "doing something", and is He listening to your pleas? You might be angry at God in your valley! I call these valleys our crossroads of faith. We have choices when we're in the valley...choices to seek God more or turn away in bitterness and anger.
Valleys include: tragic loss, loss by illness, infidelity of a spouse, divorce, alcholism of a spouse or loved one, abuse of any kind, wayward teens, drug issues, addiction of any kind, gambling, pornography, financial distress, health problems, job stress, family dysfunction, mental illness, and the list goes on and on....been there? I have.
How do we maintain our faith stance during seasons in the valley?
1. God is in control whether you have full understanding or not!
2. God will never leave you nor forsake you!
3. God is bigger than any situation you could be facing!
4. God is Sovereign...He can use this difficult time for something positive!
5. God is trustworthy! God is faithful! God is dependable!
6. God is...THE GREAT I AM!
7. God hears your every prayer!
8. God will bring you to a higher level of wisdom and understanding when you seek Him during these difficult trials.
It is true. This crisis of belief (or crossroads) could be a fiery trial, one that is overwhelmingly hard to endure. You will be faced with a choice in each and every valley. Remember...there's a mountain top waiting to be explored at the edge of the valley. The valley doesn't last forever....
Let me leave this post with some scriptures of hope if you're going through a valley:

Psalm 66:12 You made men ride over our heads;We went through fire and through water,Yet You brought us out into a place of abundance.
Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;And through the rivers, they will not overflow you When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,Nor will the flame burn you.
Zechariah 13:9 And I will bring the third part through the fire,Refine them as silver is refined,And test them as gold is tested They will call on My name,And I will answer them;I will say, 'They are My people,'And they will say, 'The LORD is my God.'"

Grow during the valley experience....I've realized that if I never experienced those valleys, I might not have discovered how much I NEED the Lord in my life! And how much I want Him in my life. Don't turn away from Him! Rest in Him! Trust Him! Rely on Him. He will carry you.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Just the thought of losing your job can send your senses reeling! Panic, fear, being overwhelmed at finding another job, and just plain numbness can result in hearing those two little words.."You're fired!" Or, "Your job no longer exists!"
Have you ever been in those shoes? We have, unfortunately. Mergers, downsizing and layoffs at all levels all affect more people than we realize. It doesn't just affect the employee, but a whole scope of individuals can also feel the brunt of the loss.
For example, what about the men whose wives can't work full time to help pay the bills? That's the boat I'm in! I have a medical condition that only allows me to work a few days a week and not all day at that!
What about the families who are taking care of aging parents? Or the man who has a sick child at home that depends on his insurance? We've been there too...
After Hurricane Katrina hit, many jobs no longer existed! What did these people do?
Job loss and job insecurity can create incredible anxiety for America's families. We've been the route of mergers. We've felt the brunt of layoffs and downsizing. We've felt the fear of losing insurance. It's not fun.
How did we survive? We were fortunate enough to have family that took us in for a while. We had to rent our home in Indiana where we came back from, as well as our home in the town we moved back to! It took two years to sell the one in Indiana. We eventually moved back into the other one.
Our Mammas kept us fed....
Yes, we had to put a lot on our credit cards at one time in order to keep from losing all we owned. I don't know which is worse to be truthful. The debt you incrue, or losing your stuff. Stuff is know?
Our marriage is very strong. Thank goodness it is! If there were any weak spots in it, we surely would have broken by now. How have we stayed so strong in the middle of pure chaos?
Our relationship with Christ. Our faith in His ability to see us through. Our trust that He knew our needs, every one. He did. And we did get through. We didn't starve. We didn't sleep in the street. We don't have the biggest and the best of anything right now, but that's not what matters most. It's family that matters.
Our children saw strength to endure hardship. Now they are strong! They saw faith and belief that we would be provided for by a loving God. We were. And now they have that belief.
Where are you in all of this? Are you there? Are you out of work, or fearful that you will lose your job? Is your company talking about downsizing?
My husband is going through that as we speak! Don't think we aren't "gunshy" when we hear that kind of talk. It happens. We aren't in the financial position we were last time...this time would be catastrophic. I certain that God knows my needs? You bet. His Word tells us He does!
"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." NIV
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged." NIV
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." NIV
There you have it! God's Word. Proof. Solid and secure. He cares for you, He will never leave you alone to deal with anything by yourself, and He will provide!
I firmly believe in the following pasage:
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,
who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort
those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God."
Hang in there. You're not alone...